Silver Maples Gallery 100 is thrilled to host John and Candace Pappas. John, an artist and graphic designer, brings his work from the drawing series that he’s worked on over the last few years, including “Black White and Blue,” “Tower of Song,” and “Mug Shots.” Candace Compton Pappas, acrylic and concrete artist, brings a selection of her beautiful “Bird” and “Chairs” acrylics on canvas.
“When I found out the John and Candace wanted to exhibit in Gallery 100, I was just thrilled! I’m a big fan of Candace’s work, and recently discovered John’s work through his Facebook postings. Each in their own way, their work is lively, imaginative, and unique.”
John is owner of 12 Acre Studio and his work has appeared on television and the internet, in brochures and magazines, on juice boxes and church vestments, as well on street corners and in art galleries. He has worked for large corporations as well as smaller yet equally ambitious outfits. Whatever the client, his work provides surprising and effective solutions using creative problem solving.
Candace works at home in her studio overlooking a beautiful landscape with a lot of bird and wildlife activity. Her work is influenced by this landscape, as well as the quiet and space that surrounds me in her studio.
Silver Maples’ exhibits are curated by resident Lois deLeon, a retired social worker, teacher, and all around art guru. Gallery 100 is open Monday through Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm. The show runs through March 31, 2015.
Visit their websites for more information and images of their work!

And more work by our artists!