Millie Danielson will be showcasing a body of work spanning her career as a fiber artist at Silver Maples Gallery 100 from January 4-February 27. Danielson was trained as an Arts and Crafts teacher, she explored many art forms until she took a course in Serape weaving at the University of Mexico. It was through this course she discovered that weaving incorporated design, color, texture and purpose; everything she was looking for. When a loom was given to her, a career was born. Her body of work includes many tapestries, fashion, metal, paper and found object sculptures. Andre Gide said, “Out of yourself, create.” This is a motto the centurion artist has lived by to the fullest.
Special Showcase Opening Reception with the artist will be Sunday, Jan. 15th at 2pm in the Gallery 100 at 100 Silver Maples Dr. Chelsea, MI. It is open to the public.